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Showing posts with the label mobile numerology

Your Questions on Mobile Number Change Answered

Your Questions on Mobile Number Change Answered Question 1: Do Mobile Number Change work? The short answer is YES they do, I know since 2018, and have seen with my own eyes that mobile number change has helped me and thousands of people get results.  But everyone's experience with numerology will be unique to them so there isn't one cookie-cutter answer. It all depends on how you want to use the new number.  We have over 209 written testimonials and many more unwritten ones if you want to know more.  Question 2: Best mobile number for luck and abundance I love luck and abundance numbers! My personal experience is that the mobile number that is matched to your Bazi is the best for luck and abundance.  Question 3: Are the mobile numbers that your master design available at the telcos?  Yep! We search high and low at different telos to find the right fit. This process takes time.  Question 4: Do you have to change your mobile number again when things change? I...

How to Win Friends and Influcence with Numberes

Everyone has a number, and the number that we use the most is none other than our mobile number.   Drawing from 5,000 years of ancient Chinese Yijing and Lao Zi Dao Dejing wisdom, we can now know a person's 6 areas just from their mobile number.  The 6 areas include character.  This school of thought is called Yinyang Digital Energetics.  Come and get your life's past, present and future read on this coming seminar: Yinyang Digital Energetics Date: Every Tuesday and Saturday 2.13-4.13 pm (English) Date: Every Tuesday and Friday 7.13-9.31 pm (Mandarin) Venue: Only at Zoom The first 13 will get a FREE Life's Number Analysis worth US$127. To book, message '1' to me Andy Ng at 93672286.  Details at

How to Avoid Being Cheated by Real Cheaters

Today I want to talk about this thing called how to avoid being cheated Many people know how a cheater looks and talks.  But not many people know that most cheaters do not do what you think cheaters do. For example, the real cheater would not tell lies. In fact, he speaks nothing but the truth.  But his truths are twisted truths and most of the time they tried to make a mountain out of a molehill. Another thing is the real cheater would follow rules from A-Z.  He would cheat behind the scenes and do things that people do not realize. One more thing: real cheaters are very polite and obedient.  In fact, if they are your employee, you would consider them as one of your model employees. Let me relate it to you my experience from my client that I did training for them back in the year 2009.  I remember out of my 8 trainees one lady stood out from the rest.  She is very hardworking, she's the first to arrive in the training room and the last to leave. ...

Which Number Most Important?

Many people want to know, other than their mobile number, if their IC number, house number, car plate number and birth date important too?  We know that anything that moves has more power than anything that doesn't move.  Like a fan that has its blades move generates more power than a still fan. So to know if your IC number, house number, birth date and car plate number will affect you or not, we have to know if they move or not. If they do move, do they move a lot?  The more they move, the bigger is the effect.  1. IC Number Your IC number doesn't move and few people know this, other than the organizations that you deal with, eg banks, and they too will not remember it.  If they want to look for you, they need to contact you, usually through your mobile number, and ask you for your IC number in order to retrieve your file.  2. House number Your house number is known to few and is stationary most of the time and only moves if you put the house number plate ...