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Showing posts with the label WeChat Scam

"WeChat is a Cheat!" How Singapore People Felt Cheated by WeChat

Many people in Singapore felt cheated by WeChat. First, many of them went to free talks or short training conducted by many WeChat 'Gurus'.  Inside the talk, they were told that they must set up a WeChat Official Account if they want to get and conduct business on WeChat.  Many of them paid S$3,500 to S$9,000 to create an impressive WeChat Official Account and were promised lots of business from there.  But because they do very little or just initial promotion of that Official Account, plus they have no new contents on their impressive Official Accounts, very few people follow their Official Accounts. As a result, they got very little business from their Official Accounts.  Many cannot even recover just 10% of their investment in creating their Official Accounts! There are some WeChat Trainers that conduct FREE WeChat Short Training or Preview  and then ask people to sign up for their 1-day or 2-days SkillsFuture funded WeChat class that costs $500 to $7...