Now you too can start your day right with the following 7 mindful thoughts: 1. Take Out Filler Words in Your Daily Conversation. Filler words and phrases are sounds that have no meaning, they are there to fill in spaces while we are thinking. The most common fillers are 'so', 'well', 'like', 'you know', 'how come' and 'sort of'. Filler words reflect a unclear mind that just wants so speak. Imagine a conversion full of filler words, what a mindless conversation it is! 2. When Eating, Just Eat . Many people like to gobble their food, and the more they like a food, the faster they eat it. Many people are afraid that if they don't fast, that good food may be gone. The point is until you adopt mindful eating, you are not absorbing the full benefits of the food you're eating and you're just wasting food! In Japan, it is very rude to eat and talk at the same time, and munching a food while listening to a le...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: