Lesser mistakes, resulting in lower rework cost Higher customer satisfaction, resulting in higher sales Lower absenteesm, as trained staff fall sick less and are more punctual Better teamwork, with higher productivity for all Faster response to challenges at work Stronger branding in the market Improvements in cash flow, as training reduces cost and increases output Higher staff satisfaction, resulting in higher output Lower conflicts at work, as staff know their work better and result in lesser conflicts Better recognition in the market, as no one can forget a properly trained staff More repeat business, as customers are happier More referred business, which are of higher qualty and value Higher average transaction value, as trained staff will add more value at work, justifying the higher selling price Better succession planning, as trained staff can take on more duties and responsibilities Reduction in head count, as the trained staff can handle more work than before ...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com