Note: The next How to Be a Great Boss is confirmed on 9 Dec 2014 Tuesday 2 to 5.30 pm. Limited seats, register via text to 8201-4347 now. If you don’t like the title of this article, read on. By ‘ boss ’ here, I am referring to a person that an employee reports to. That reporting boss can be a customer, the shareholders, superior and in some cases, the government. Today I shall focus on your superior, that is, someone that you report to in your work. Most of the time this person is a manager or supervisor. Whenever an employee has a performance issue, most managers will assume it is the lack of training. As a trainer with 18 years of experience training 81,131 people in 14 countries since 1996, I know that many a times it is not the lack of training . It may not even be the lack of skills or attitude. The biggest obstacle to an employee not performing well is not about not knowing what to do. The biggest obstacle is Interferences from Bosses. The following are th...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: