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Showing posts with the label Sharing

Sharing by Australia's Henry

Sharing by Australia's Henry If you are in business, sales, marketing, self-employed, banking, finance, or management, we are often taught that to do well in business, we need to have a good product and master sales and marketing.  So we work hard to improve our offering and embark on many sales and marketing ways, including digital marketing, social media marketing and word-of-mouth referral marketing to get as many customers as possible in the shortest time.  However, you will soon realize that despite doing all of the above, high sales and profits elude you.  It becomes a zero-sum game: you put in more time and resources and get a diminishing return.  What is the solution?  Don't chase after customers anymore.  Let customers come to you.  Without spending a cent on advertising and promotion, use sharing.  What is Sharing?  Sharing is NOT about how good your product or you is.  It is also NOT about show and tell.  Sharing is not a...

Most People Don't Share, They Preach

Sharing is not Preaching.  Most people don't know how to share, instead of sharing they preach and this angers people. Preaching is more than sharing, it is about trying to convince, persuade or move people to your way of thinking.  Sharing is about sharing from your heart what you sincerely believe to be true AT THIS POINT OF TIME.  What Sharing is about:  What You believe to be true.   However, if you already know that what you share is not true and you still share it, that is not sharing.  That is cheating Something that you may or not may have in interest in. I own the Amethyst geode here and like to share this with you.  What you think and fee l.  It is not about sharing what you know a lot and have expert knowledge in it.  What you share may not be the truth.  Many a times people share fake news for they don't know that fake news is not true, but they believe to be true.  Even when you did not own it or intend to own it ....