How to Communicate with Power We all communicate. But do we communicate with Power? Communicating with Power means that there are 5 things. Check to see if you are doing all these 5 things. First, are you using VOCAL VARIETY ? That means your using different tonality. Your tonality has to be up and down, it cannot be flat throughout. Next, are you giving people a PLEASANT TONE? "I hate you" , do you feel that I am hating you? On the other hand, when I pull my face down and say "I love you" do you feel there is love? The power of tonality. The 2nd thing about Communicating with Power is your VOICE . Do you have RESONANCE in your voice? That means speaking from your stomach. Do not speak from your throat, for you will be heard as shouting and your voice is not nice to hear. Speak from your stomach and your voice will have more resonance, it is like you have the speaker woofer. Third is, are you using this thing called APPRECIATIVE COMMUNICATION ? That mea...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: