1. WeChat Wallet is not allowed in Singapore Wechat Wallet is an e-wallet service much like Paypal or Grab money. But it is NOT a crypto-currency like Bitcoin. WeChat Wallet is allowed in Singapore and many people are using it everyday to pay for purchases in restaurants, shops and even training companies like ours. The only currency allowed in WeChat Wallet in Singapore is the Chinese yuan or Renminbi. WeChat Wallet money is real because you need to have real Chinese yuan inside. There are only 2 ways to fill up money in your Wallet: get someone to transfer to you or purchase Chinese yuan from an authorised WeChat agent like Fomo Pay. 2. Cannot Open WeChat Wallet in Singapore Anyone can open Wechat Wallet in Singapore without the need to have a bank account opened physically in China . You simply use your Visa or Mastercard credit card to authenticate yourself. The process takes about 3 minutes. In ou...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com