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Showing posts with the label Excuses

7 Valid Reasons to NOT Live Your Dreams

Reason 1: No Money All you need is some money to go on-line and you can learn how to live your dreams from the experts. Reason 2: No Time.  All it takes is just 3 minutes and your whole life will change. Three minutes is all it takes for you to have a meaningful conversation with a Business Coach like myself or anyone on the internet.   Reason 3:  Cannot Change You don't need to change anything other than having an open mind Reason 4: No Guts Guts is already inside our body. Use fear to move you forward -- follow your fear, don't resist it. Push yourself so you can be proud of yourself.  With a Business Coach helping you, you will have no fear Reason 5: Being Laughed At The people who love and care about you will support you; the rest don't matter anyway. Reason 6: Not ________ enough. Not young enough, smart enough, or good enough? These are just limiting beliefs. Catch yourself when these doubts pop up, and find something positive and e...

5 Things that Your People Learn Unconsciously that could Kill You

We know that informal learning is the world's biggest and fastest learning.  This is because when one learns informally, one is not using his conscious mind and is thus using less conscious effort. With less conscious effort, one can learn more without feeling tired. That's why when you embark on what you love, you'll have more energy.  Same for learning.  What you learn informally you learn more.  Many people learn the following 5 bad habits at work unconsciously: Pushing Blame.  When something wrong happens, employees learn that if you don't push the blame to someone else, you'll have to shoulder the entire blame. Thus employees learn to push blame quickly, like "I thought that you know, that's why I never follow-up with you" and "You should know as you're more senior than me".   Coming up with Excuses .  Like "I never learnt that in school", "It was always done like this". We know that excuses only serve one...