How to increase your income by 1,000%? By applying the Law of Multiplication, you can increase your productivity, performance and output by 1,000% in the years ahead! Here's the simple formula: increase your productivity by 0.1% each day , 5 days a week, and this will amount to 26% increase if you work 52 weeks a year. Because of the law of compounding and multiplication, your 26% increase yearly will translate into 1,000% increase in less than 10 years. Unbelievable but true! The top 7 ways to increase your productivity by 0.1% each day are: Read one hour each day in your field . I don't care if it is sales, self-improvement, engineering or history. If you do this consistently, you'd have read 50 books a year or 500 books in 10 years. You can now read books easily from Google Books at your mobile phone. Review your major goals each morning and rewrite them . This will program deeper into your subconscious mind, making it a reality for yo...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: