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Showing posts with the label circuit breaker

What Happens When There is Another Circuit Breaker or Lockdown in Singapore?

What can you do if there is another circuit breaker or lockdown?  I don't know about you, but there are 3 things that I would do:  1. I will continue what I am doing now, which is 4 free Zoom seminars a week. I will not work alone but instead, work with other organizations including associations, chambers of commerce, Peoples' Association, training organizations, and even F & B outlets.  I will run FREE seminars to their members on zoom for free and help them make money via the FREE seminars.  2. I will work with overseas organizations that have a large database and organize Zoom seminars with the view that they will make money from the FREE seminars.   3. I will use WhatsApp to run FREE short training sessions on popular topics like Remote Selling.    What about you my friend?  Are you ready for MORE BUSINESS IF THERE IS ANOTHER LOCKDOWN OR CIRCUIT BREAKER?  Share me your thoughts. Thanks.