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Showing posts from September, 2016

Another One Minute Art of War by Sun Tzu: Watch Fires Burn

Successful Disruption: the basics

Successful Disruption as an Employee

Following my last article on what is disruption and the role of disruption technologies, people want to know how can an ordinary employee can do successful disruption at work? For we know that if you are not successfully disrupting, you will be successfully disrupted! You'll rather be the disruptor than be the disrupted.  This is because with rapid changing technology, many work are now replaced by computers and outsourced to cheaper countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh and Cambodia. There are 5 things that you can do so that you can secure your position as an employee: Never say No. Say yes first, even when you are not sure, and go find out how to do it. The ones that say no at the first instant will be the first to get disrupted Go to your boss instead of waiting for instructions. With rapidly changing economy, your boss may have no instructions and if you just wait for him, you are just waiting to be retrenched.  Ask for More. That's right, always ask for more at w...

Successful Disruption

Many people asked me, what is the meaning of disruption? Is disruption just about disruption technologies like Uber, Airbnb and Facebook?  In 2006, the top 3 selling phones were Nokia, Motorola and Blackberry. Today almost all of them have been disrupted by Huawei, Samsung and Apple. Disruption is happening very fast. Now professionals like stockbroking, accounting, auditing, doctoring are being replaced by artificial intelligence and robots. The point is not how to deal with disruption but how we can be the Disruptor and Not Disrupted. Come and join over 50 business people and professionals for this power talk: SUCCESSFUL DISRUPTION 28/9 Wed 7.15-9.30 pm At: 229 Mountbatten Rd 01-09, Mountbatten Square Topics covered include: 1. What is disruption and top 5 disruptors today 2. Steps to be the Disruptor instantly 3. What to do if you were disrupted suddenly 4. Overcome Objections the disruptive way 5. How to win over new clients with Disruption Our spea...

How to Be the Disruptor and Not Disrupted

(This article is submitted to The Straits Times on 22 Sep 16. Get 28 powerpoint slides at here ) Many people asked me, what is the meaning of disruption? Is disruption just about disruption technologies like Uber, Airbnb and Facebook?  20 years ago in 1996, the world's top 3 mobile phones are Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia. 10 years ago, the names became Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Blackberry. Today 2016 the top 3 global phones are Samsung, Apple and Huawei. What will happen 10 years from now 2026?  Will the names change?   10 years ago, TV stations and cable TV channels are fighting with each other for audiences. Today the most watched TV and movies are on mobile devices watched on platforms of Facebook, YouTube and Netflix, and TV Stations and Cable TV are struggling.  It is obvious that disruption is happening very fast and most names would disappear in time to come. The question is: are you the one being disrupted or the Disruptor? First of all, what is dis...

Systems are more effective than Goals

It was the worst thing that could ever happen to a salesperson. You called hard, and made every presentation flawless. You also follow-up well with all prospects. Yet at the end of the day your boss says that because you did not hit your sales goals, you are not effective. Sounds familiar? In sales, you typically have sales goals.  Monthly, quarterly, annually, depending on the length of the sales-cycle. If you hit your goals, you're happy because you're probably getting paid pretty well and not getting fired. But that happiness doesn't last very long because you always want more. Hitting 125% of your quota, consistently, becomes your new base-line as you too want to earn more incentives. So hitting your sales goals means more stress. Why Systems are More Effective Than Goals “If your goal is to lose ten pounds, you may wake up each day with  failure in mind because the goal is hard to reach, and you are only  progressing by small amounts. It takes up all yo...

Art of War for Business: Sun Tzu Art of War Chapter 2

Leadership and Self Deception

One Minute Sun Tzu Art of Win Without Fighting