THE CHINESE 12 ZODIAC AND YOU (written by Andy Ng at AsiaTrainers)
As we know, the 12 Zodiac animals is derived from Yijing and they are in 6 pairs of 2 animals each.
Yijing Yin and Yang complement each other and so are the animals.
Note: To know your zodiac animal, know your birthday per lunar calendar. Note that the zodiac year starts from Li Chun, which is either Feb 4 or 1st day of the lunar new year, WHICHEVER IS EARLIER.
Also, the time to start is 11 pm on the previous night. So, for Rabbit year 2023, it starts from 11 pm on 21 Jan 2023 (because 1st day of lunar new year is 22 Jan 2023)
Rat and Ox: Rat being Clever and Fast, need to balance with Ox's Hardworking and Dedication
Tiger and Rabbit: Tiger is Daring and Fierceful, rabbit is On the Ground and Detailed-Oriented.
Dragon and Snake: Dragon represents Going for the Sky, while snake is about Flexibility and Feel the Ground.
Horse and Goat: Horse is about Charging Forward to reach the destination or goal, while the Goat is about Reaching as a Group.
Monkey and Rooster: Money is about Swift and Opportunistic, while Rooster is about Discipline (and ringing alarm bell)
Dog and Pig: Dog is about being Loyal and Faithful, while the Pig represents Living in the Present Moment and Knowing when to Rest and Enjoy.
The Pig is the last because we need to really have a life!
As for Yin and Yang, the odd number animal is yang while even number animal is yin. So rabbit is yin while tiger is yang.
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