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Why this book Yijing Explained?


After my first book “Practical WeChat Marketing 94 Ways” was published in 2020, people asked me when my 2nd book would be. Here it is, a book 3 years in the making: Yijing Explained.

Throughout my 36 years of professional experience, including 24 years in training and coaching since 2001, I have curated a wealth of invaluable materials. However, through my transformative journey of conducting the renowned Sun Zi Art of War training programs since 2009, a profound realization struck me: the essence of all Sinology stems from the ancient wisdom of Yijing.

This epiphany compelled me to embark on an extraordinary mission — to pen a book that encapsulates the essence of Yijing. Its purpose? To empower me in delivering dynamic Yijing training and consulting with unparalleled ease and efficiency. Brace yourself for a game-changing literary masterpiece!

"Yijing Explained" is an easy-to-read guide explaining the ancient Chinese text, Yijing (Hanyu Pinyin of 易经), also known as I-Ching or the Book of Changes. As we know, Yijing has, in the past 6,500 years, been used as a tool for making decisions and achieving success in both personal and professional contexts.

(Many people called Yijing Zhou Yi 周易, because strictly speaking Yijing is about 64 hexagrams whereas Zhou Yi comprises of the 64 hexagrams and the 10 wings of text. For simplicity reason, I will use the term Yijing).

This book delves into the philosophy of Yijing, and explains how its principles can be applied in modern day-to-day situations such as business, finance, personal development and relationships. Written in an easy-to-understand style, this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain insight and guidance from one of the oldest and most revered texts in Chinese culture.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a beginner, this book will give you a new perspective on Yijing and help you achieve your goals. Details of this book, video and how to order are at here


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