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To avoid scams, know Yijing

"The reason people get scammed easily is that they learned many things but little about thinking.  My goal is to empower You to become a Critical Thinker"  Andy Ferarri Norman, author

One reason why You must know Yijing is so that you can have Critical Thinking.  

With critical thinking, you won't be just following your feelings and easily influenced by others' emotions.  You will consider both sides in any evaluation and do not let experts' opinions sway your thinking.  You have independence of mind, and know how to communicate your thinking too. 

Yijing asks us to do introspection, reflection, and plan before doing.  

From the hexagrams, it teaches us that life is a cycle, there are always good and bad points in anything.  Never give up, for the human mind can do wonders. 

Plus, everything has 2 sides: the Yin (bad) and the Yang (good).  Yin and Yang chang all the time but ultimately they must reflect nature (Ba Gua).   Your life's situations can be grouped into 64 scenarios (64 Hexagrams) and they too follow a cycle of growing and countering (5 Moving Elements).  

Finally, everything has energy and it is about Qi. 

I am so passionate about Yijing because always every day I am doing things related to Yijing.  Whether I am promoting a health machine or running courses on Sun Zi Art of War, Financial Intelligence or Becoming High Value Employees, they are all from Yijing concepts.

Now you can learn Yijing (in English) in the comfort of your home and anywhere. Invest a one-time small fee for lifetime access to wisdom not easily found elsewhere. We have 3 video courses for you to choose from:

1. 9th Period of Li Fire (1.5 hr) $49

2. Yijing basics (2.75 hr) $99

3. Yijing Leadership and Management (5 hs) $149 
