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The Dos and Don'ts of Training

Many managers say training is important, yet they fail to do much about it.   A good training program accomplishes 3 goals. Firstly it imparts the skills necessary for efficient work habits and a high degree of competency.  If I am training people on sales, it must teach them the habit of making 5 sales calls a day and asking clients' questions using a professional format.   Second, it builds an employee's knowledge to allow for them to learn and do more on their own. For example, in our How to Be a Better Manager program, we teach managers how to inspire people based on their current weekly staff meeting. Third, a good training program must motivate and inspire people to take action, not in the distant future, but now. That's why in all our trainings we have this 7-Day Profit Action Plan that all participants get to fill in during the course.  In this way they can apply what they learn immediately. We will also compute the increase in profits from that application

The Importance of Beauty in Business

"If people were more concerned with how they looked on the inside than on the outside, the world would be a nicer place to exist.” David Walsh “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” Mandy Hale “Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.” Mandy Hale “Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear” Taylor Swift “A pure heart is superlatively rare and even more attractive.” J.S.B. Morse “No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.” Eleanor Roosevelt “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” Kahlil Gibran “The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.” P.C. Cast HOW TO COACH AND MENTOR EFFECTIVELY (new) Bring Your Team to Greater Heights with Coaching Strategies Date   :   12 May 2015 Tuesday 9 am to 5 pm Venue :  The Plaza 02-346, 7500A Beach Rd    Fee: $398 ea

Money is Good, but Opportunities are Better

It always amazes me to see how our good government come up with so many handout schemes for businesses, like free consultancy, free ISO etc.  Handouts are good, but for how long?  As a entrepreneur, the motivating factor is not free money, but an environment where they can have a fair fight and prove their capabilities.  So when the government gives out money to the small businesses, the government needs to follow-up with more business opportunities. Otherwise, the money is not put to good use.  We know that in business money grows money, and handouts are good if they can be put to good use to generate more business. Otherwise, the money will be gone in no time. What I think the government should do to give more business opportunities for small businesses include: Law requiring the public sector and all big companies  to, before asking for quotes from foreign companies, to put up their purchase requisition in a website whereby  only local companies can quote, say for 2 weeks. 

The Manager as Challenger

Whether you are a mid-level manager, working level supervisor or high level manager, you need to achieve more with less.  The secret to becoming a high performing manager is to be a challenger. Yes, the manager is a challenger.  He challenges himself, his team and the organization to do better than before.  This challenger manager sees all problems as opportunities and challenges to be overcome.  There are 3 things that a Challenger Manager does well: Teach, Take Control and Touch Hearts Teach The manager teachers people to be better, to be more mindful, more skilled and more skillful.  Most importantly, the manager is never stingy with what he knows, he shares with them and treat his team like his life-long students.  Of course to be able to teach the manager must be competent and that's why he goes for many seminars and courses like this Take Control The manager is always in control of all situations.  In cases where the environment is dynamic and the c

Leapfrog Selling Strategies for Samsung Galaxy S7

Note: The just announced $500 Quarterly Training Credi t starts functioning on 1 March 2015 Last year around this time, based on the specifications announced, I predicted that Samsung Galaxy S5 will not make any difference to arrest the decline in sales of Samsung's mobile phone.   This prediction turned out to be true.  In fact S5 sold less than S4, and S4 in turn sell less than S3. So how will S6 fare this year? I'm sorry to predict that S6 will at best, maintain the same sales as S5 or slightly better than S5, but will not make any major difference to arrest the decline in Samsung's sales.  For Samsung to pick up its sales and be as successful as S3, they need to do Leapfrog Selling.   Leapfrog selling is about sales and marketing strategies that not just improve on previous sales, but leapfrog and be ahead of the curve significantly .  Like iPhone 6, Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 3.  There are 5 areas that you have to leapfrog in your business for your sales to

Even My Kids Know These

Note: The next 'Selling the Impossible' is on 12 March 2015 Thursday 2 to 5.30 pm.   Details at  here .  Yesterday I met a Sales Director from a Fortune 500 company. He commented that many of the so-called sales training in Singapore and Asia are actually motivational and goal setting training disguised as sales training.  They often get people on the high during the course but leave them unsure of what to do after the training.   Most of the sales training do not have adequate sales strategies and techniques.  They often teach things that even 10-year old kids know: ask questions, overcome objections and close the sale.   We at teach people more than that. We often cover situations that people consider impossible - how to Sell the Impossible.  Many people consider the following 10 situations to be selling the impossible: Prospect has just bought from your closest competitor Your product pricing is way too high to be considered Your salespeople h

Top 10 FAQs on Sales

(Watch all FAQs on Sales at  Latest: Challenger Sale method (details at here ) outsells the other 4 methods by a factor of 3 to 1: How do I sell to people that don't want to buy? Do I have to match the customer's request for lower price? How to sell when the market is down? What are the ways that I can do sales follow-up successfully? What to do when I don't know how to answer customer's questions? How to reach the decision makers? Since selling is about adding value, how do I add value when the customer knows all? Where do I get new customers?  How do I do prospecting? Since sales is about adding value by solving problems, how do I solve their problems and still make my sale? Which is more important: knowing what I sell or know about my customer? These and other seldom asked questions are answered in this newest course:  Cracking the Sales Code  (new) Date: 29 April 2015 Wednesday 9 am to 5 pm Venue: 7500A Beac

Top 10 FAQs on How to Be a Better Manager

HOW TO BE A BETTER MANAGER If you are like most managers, you would probably find that you are lacking in certain skills. This lack is causing you delay in your career growth. Worst of all, your boss expects you to know all and your subordinates are watching you every day.    The truth is that most managers and supervisors are promoted based on their technical skills, and yet it is the managerial and leadership skills that will make them more successful.  In this Power-packed  How to Be a Better Manager  or Supervisor program, you will learn proven strategies to improve presentation, negotiation, and how you can manage your team & boss. Focused around Asia Coaching Training coaching and training materials used in 39,871 companies worldwide since 1993, you will find the strategies you need to implement significant changes in your career.  The 4 key areas covered are People Management, Teambuilding, Leadership and Communication.  This management development program is for m

How this Profit Action Plan Works

As mentioned in our previous blog ("It's the Profit, stupid!") at here , from now onwards, we only do profit training, not just training. Profit training means what we taught in the course (be it sales, management or executive skills) will be related to the trainees' work.  The trainees will be given time to write a PAP (Profit Action Plan) on how they will apply at least one idea to their work.  They will also compute the increase in profits that application will give rise to.  From here, the profit increase will be compared to the course fee, and if that figure is negative, the trainee will be given extra tuition to write another application of the idea until the end figure is positive.  In short, this is real profit training determined during the class, not after the course.  Profit will come in 2 major ways: increase in sales and decrease in cost.  From here there will be hundreds of ways that one can design for his work.  Anyway our Trainer Coach will he

What You May Not Know about Lee Kuan Yew

Mr Lee Kuan Yew, aged 91, founder of modern Singapore and the (late) father of current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, passed away peacefully on 23 March 2015. (Get your course listing at here ) In 2009, I was asked by New Horizon Computer Learning Centre to conduct a one-week Management and Leadership training for a group of directors and senior managers from the Ministry of Finance and Economics of the Republic of Tanzania (a eastern African nation).  During the course, I was asked to summarise how Singapore transformed itself from a third world nation in 1963 with per capital income of US$1,500 to a first world nation having the highest per capita income of US$59,000 in 3 decades.  My answer to them is just 3 words: "Lee Kuan Yew". Born on 16 September 1923 to a upper income family, Lee Kuan Yew's grandfathers' wealth declined considerably during the Great Depression, and his father, Lee Chin Koon, became a poor shopkeeper. Lee Kuan Yew speaks English as his n