Mention the words 'hot buttons' and most salespeople who have gone through the usual sales training will tell you, 'emotional hot button'. But we know that human beings act base on emotions 80% of the time, the other 20% of the time we act on logic.
So hot button selling is not just emotional selling.
Three Steps to Finding Your Prospect's Hot Button
1. Let the prospect talk
Just let people talk. Be patient. Be interested in listening to them.
It is easy to find your prospects' hot buttons once you have gained their interest. Let them enter the conversation and invariably, they will "spill" the hot button of the moment.
When someone walked into my education centre, I do not ask them "What course do you have in mind?" I just simply say, "Hi, welcome to our centre, how's your day?"
Once the exchange of names is over, I go straight into the point by asking them a simple question, "If you have one goal that you want to achieve in your life, what would that be? And let the conversation begins!
It is easy to find your prospects' hot buttons once you have gained their interest. Let them enter the conversation and invariably, they will "spill" the hot button of the moment.
When someone walked into my education centre, I do not ask them "What course do you have in mind?" I just simply say, "Hi, welcome to our centre, how's your day?"
Once the exchange of names is over, I go straight into the point by asking them a simple question, "If you have one goal that you want to achieve in your life, what would that be? And let the conversation begins!
2. Use the prospect's language and words
When the prospect answers to my above question with "Of course I like to be rich and famous!" Then I would use the word "famous" by saying, "Well here we do have many famous people as our students". The word "rich" would be used in ways like, "Our courses made many students very 'rich' in knowledge and connections!"
For instance, you may be selling a product that is able to increase the profits of a company by reducing its overhead. If the prospect's hot button is more profit, you bang away at "profit." If the hot button is "overhead," leave profit alone and concentrate on "overhead." On your next call, however, the hot button could very well be something else. Find it and then hit it as often as you can throughout the presentation.
3. Realize that hot buttons shift constantly and shift fast
For instance, you may be selling a product that is able to increase the profits of a company by reducing its overhead. If the prospect's hot button is more profit, you bang away at "profit." If the hot button is "overhead," leave profit alone and concentrate on "overhead." On your next call, however, the hot button could very well be something else. Find it and then hit it as often as you can throughout the presentation.
3. Realize that hot buttons shift constantly and shift fast
After all conditions change, and the prospect's hot button changes accordingly. As soon as our conversation leads to my proposal, I would watch out for clues for the prospect's new hot button. For example, if he asks questions, those questions would be the new hot buttons.
The trick is to remember to use the hot button technique on every single sales call. How? Practice. With everyone you meet, immediately start the practice of isolating their hot button – whether in a business or social setting. Just say to yourself, "That's the hot button of that individual." It will be great practice and will help your sales immeasurably.
Written by Andy Ng, Chief Trainer Coach at Watch Andy's "New Paradigm Selling" short video at here
The trick is to remember to use the hot button technique on every single sales call. How? Practice. With everyone you meet, immediately start the practice of isolating their hot button – whether in a business or social setting. Just say to yourself, "That's the hot button of that individual." It will be great practice and will help your sales immeasurably.
Written by Andy Ng, Chief Trainer Coach at Watch Andy's "New Paradigm Selling" short video at here
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