Although people like to use WeChat because they know that it is very good for business, there are 5 reasons why you should not use WeChat:
- You are in for a quick sale: you want to use WeChat to quickly sell to the people inside WeChat. Because WeChat is a social media tool, if you use WeChat just to sell to your WeChat friends, your selfish motive will be known to people quickly and you will not get sales. Instead, you will get people that block you or even report you to WeChat
- You feel that you don't know Chinese and you think that WeChat is only for the Chinese and the only reason to use WeChat is to communicate to the Chinese. We know that WeChat has 21 languages and there are 1.1 billion people worldwide from Africa to India using WeChat
- You want to use what you can do in Facebook and apply them into WeChat immediately: boost posts, paid ads, message to strangers, tag people, create multiple accounts using just email, and search for groups to join to mass message to them. All these things you cannot do in WeChat
- You want to spread your political and religious ideas inside WeChat. In WeChat, politics and religion are taboos and your account will get suspended in no time
- You have too much business to handle now. You cannot use WeChat because you don't want additional business that may come when you use WeChat
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