Mention the word 'hypnosis' and most people would conjure up images of conman getting people into a trance and cheating them of their money. In reality, such conman are not doing hypnosis but manipulation.
Hypnosis is an ancient communication tool where we use it to get things done without forcing people. Hypnosis is used a lot in therapy. But today I am talking about one type of hypnosis called CH or Conversational Hypnosis.
As the name implies, Conversational Hypnosis is using conversation to hypnotise people. The word 'hypnotise' means to get people to do things happily and voluntarily without them knowing it.
The power of suggestion is rooted in all hypnosis, because hypnosis is about putting someone in a trance and make them susceptible to your suggestion.
Conversational hypnosis is about making someone susceptible to your suggestion without putting them in a trance. In other words, it is about suggesting without people realising you are making the suggestion.
All you need to do is to slip a suggestion into their subconscious mind. If you can do this you are really influencing someone. Often all it takes is just a single seed of suggestion to get people to see your point of view or to agree with you on something. For example, "Can I ask you a question?" is a simple conversational hypnosis.
The reason why subliminal suggestion is so powerful is we have two minds: conscious mind and subconscious mind, which is below our conscious mind (that's the meaning of 'sub'). Our conscious mind is the gatekeeper, it prevents things from entering into our subconscious mind. Like if you now close your eyes, you can preventing this article from entering your subconscious mind. But if I were to suggest to you ('image see a beach in front of you'), my suggestion is still able to enter your mind, not in your conscious mind but in your subconscious mind.
When you use conversational hypnosis, you can easily influence people to say 'Yes" when they would normally say "No" by providing suggestions into their subconscious mind. Their subconscious mind will tell their conscious mind that they should say yes, so you have your way and the person is convinced it was entirely their idea!
As can be seen from above, if you use suggestion, you are using conversational hypnosis. If used correctly, you will become a more effective communicator.
Once you have master the basic of direct suggestion, you can move one step higher by using indirect suggestion. Indirect suggestions are not noticeable commands. They usually involve imagination. When you hear this "Sitting down feels so relaxing", you will automatically sit down even though I did not tell suggest you to sit down!
Indirect suggestions can also be embedded, i.e., included into our daily interactions with people, which include our verbal and non-verbal language, like body language. For example, if I were to raise my hands when I ask a question, I am suggesting people to raise their hands.
You too can apply CH or Conversational Hypnosis in your daily work as a manager, leader, professional, salesperson or worker. Our next article will look at how you can use CH in your sales and customer service.
Andy Ng is a full-time Business Coach and Trainer with Asia Trainers and Asia Coaching Training. Andy has been conducting 4 to 10 public seminars and training in a month since 2001. Visit him at now!
Hypnosis is an ancient communication tool where we use it to get things done without forcing people. Hypnosis is used a lot in therapy. But today I am talking about one type of hypnosis called CH or Conversational Hypnosis.
As the name implies, Conversational Hypnosis is using conversation to hypnotise people. The word 'hypnotise' means to get people to do things happily and voluntarily without them knowing it.
The power of suggestion is rooted in all hypnosis, because hypnosis is about putting someone in a trance and make them susceptible to your suggestion.
Conversational hypnosis is about making someone susceptible to your suggestion without putting them in a trance. In other words, it is about suggesting without people realising you are making the suggestion.
All you need to do is to slip a suggestion into their subconscious mind. If you can do this you are really influencing someone. Often all it takes is just a single seed of suggestion to get people to see your point of view or to agree with you on something. For example, "Can I ask you a question?" is a simple conversational hypnosis.
The reason why subliminal suggestion is so powerful is we have two minds: conscious mind and subconscious mind, which is below our conscious mind (that's the meaning of 'sub'). Our conscious mind is the gatekeeper, it prevents things from entering into our subconscious mind. Like if you now close your eyes, you can preventing this article from entering your subconscious mind. But if I were to suggest to you ('image see a beach in front of you'), my suggestion is still able to enter your mind, not in your conscious mind but in your subconscious mind.
When you use conversational hypnosis, you can easily influence people to say 'Yes" when they would normally say "No" by providing suggestions into their subconscious mind. Their subconscious mind will tell their conscious mind that they should say yes, so you have your way and the person is convinced it was entirely their idea!
As can be seen from above, if you use suggestion, you are using conversational hypnosis. If used correctly, you will become a more effective communicator.
Once you have master the basic of direct suggestion, you can move one step higher by using indirect suggestion. Indirect suggestions are not noticeable commands. They usually involve imagination. When you hear this "Sitting down feels so relaxing", you will automatically sit down even though I did not tell suggest you to sit down!
Indirect suggestions can also be embedded, i.e., included into our daily interactions with people, which include our verbal and non-verbal language, like body language. For example, if I were to raise my hands when I ask a question, I am suggesting people to raise their hands.
You too can apply CH or Conversational Hypnosis in your daily work as a manager, leader, professional, salesperson or worker. Our next article will look at how you can use CH in your sales and customer service.
Andy Ng is a full-time Business Coach and Trainer with Asia Trainers and Asia Coaching Training. Andy has been conducting 4 to 10 public seminars and training in a month since 2001. Visit him at now!
Mastering the Higher Science of Persuasion and Infuence to Get People to Say Yes All the Time
Date: 15 July 2016 Friday 2 to 5.30 pm
Venue : The Plaza 02-346, 7500A Beach Rd (inside Parkroyal Hotel)
Fee: $298 each, $199 each for 2 & above, $149 each for 5 & above (all with PIC 60% Grant)
Learn how to influence and persuade your prospects, customers and counterparts at work easily without them knowing it.
Hypnosis is a very widely misunderstood term largely because of the media's portrayal of hypnotists as conman. In reality, hypnosis is very widely used by advertisers and marketers as well as therapists and politicians. People use hypnosis to help people to get from where they are to where they want to be happily and voluntarily.
In this short but powerful course, we will teach you how to use CH or Conversational Hypnosis to influence and persuade people WITHOUT PUTTING PEOPLE IN A TRANCE. Conversational Hypnosis is subtle ways to communicate by working on the other persons's subconscious mind.
Through the use of direct suggestions, indirect suggestions, common interests, dreams and goals, we all can use conversational hypnosis to get people to do things happily and willingly.
Note: With effect from 1 Jan 2012, all our training programs qualify for 60% cash payout from the Government under the Enhanced PIC scheme. So take advantage of this Budget Goodie and train your team on selling and/or management skills. Call Andy at 8201-4347 for details
- The 5 Elements of Hypnosis per Lao Tzu Dao De Jing
- What is Conversational Hypnosis and a demonstration
- Three Tools for Suggestions
- Getting the Right State of Mind for your customers
- How to Use Pacing Statements and Leading Statements
- Power of Mirroring and Matching to create Permanent Rapport
- Use of Grabbing Words and Phrases in your sales and marketing
- Asking Leading Questions
- Using Presuppositions to get people to say yes immediately
- Art of Personal Storytelling: Facts Tell Stories Sell
- Words and Phrases that Change Minds
- Building Suspense and Curiosity
- The Ultimate of Conversational Hypnosis: Transform People
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