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Showing posts from June, 2022

Training People to Feel Good

Training People to Feel Good We know that people are not bad in themselves, they behave badly because they are not getting what they want, they are facing difficulties in their life, and most likely they have negative feelings and bad moods.  How many times have you come across an uncooperative colleague, unreasonable bosses, demanding customers and people that are impatient on the roads?  Obviously, people are not feeling good.  They don't feel good due to poor health and the above reasons.  When they don't feel good, they cannot be behaving gracefully, be courteous and helpful. They will likely be unreasonable, full of hatred and in a foul mood to do things that they may not normally do.  Therein lies the importance of feeling good.  One way to make people feel good, even when the situation or environment is bad (like caught in traffic jams and in the middle of a war), is to train people to feel good.  There are many ways that you too can train yours...

Communicate with Power

How to Communicate with Power We all communicate. But do we communicate with Power? Communicating with Power means that there are 5 things. Check to see if you are doing all these 5 things. First, are you using VOCAL VARIETY ? That means your using different tonality. Your tonality has to be up and down, it cannot be flat throughout. Next, are you giving people a PLEASANT TONE? "I hate you" , do you feel that I am hating you? On the other hand, when I pull my face down and say "I love you" do you feel there is love? The power of tonality. The 2nd thing about Communicating with Power is your VOICE . Do you have RESONANCE in your voice? That means speaking from your stomach. Do not speak from your throat, for you will be heard as shouting and your voice is not nice to hear. Speak from your stomach and your voice will have more resonance, it is like you have the speaker woofer. Third is, are you using this thing called APPRECIATIVE COMMUNICATION ? That mea...

Guys, When Your Good Friend is a Woman, Be Careful of These 5 Rules

Guys, When Your Good Friend is a Woman, Be Careful of These 5 Rules We all have friends of the opposite gender, and sometimes we are so closed to them that we forget that there are 5 rules to stick to when your good friend is of the opposite gender: (note: the opposite is true for girls: rules when your good friend is a guy).  1. Never have any body contact ,  Handshake is only when you guys are new to each other, so don't shake hands after that.  Also, no touching of shoulders or wrist when getting excited in your conversations.  Keep selfies to a minimum.  2. No sending of ambiguous  暧昧  messages or conversations, for these could lead to intimate messages or conversations 3. No two persons alone in one room or enclosed place.   The exception must the lifts or very short durations eg 5 minutes while waiting for something 4. No overcare and concern for each other, especially for their personal or family matters.   5. No talking about ...

20 Ways to Drive Training Consumption

20 Ways to Drive Training Consumption Gordon Johnson, author of “The Ultimate Guide to LMS Marketing", all rights with the author.  Training is arguably the most important part of every customer success program, but customers don’t have the time to master your product like you want them to. Sometimes they put off training until it’s too late, which results in expensive support and unhappy customers. The solution is to treat your training programs like your company’s products and insert a healthy dose of marketing to drive training consumption. Here are 20 marketing ideas that can turn uneducated customers into highly-trained advocates who would never think of replacing your product with anything else. 1. Market that next class The most important way to measure the success of your marketing is by how much training each individual consumes. An extraordinarily high percentage of your customers will take one class and never come back.They all need more to be successful, so how do you ...