As we know, out of the 8 sets of numbers, only Shengqi and Tianyi are good, which means the no good numbers are easily 75%. Even if your mobile number belongs to this 25% and comprises of all Shengqi and Tianyi numbers, they are still not good numbers because of these 3 reasons: 1. The sequence of the numbers is important . If you have 3 shengqi at the back, that means your money is happily spent away. That means not much wealth or free cash flow for you. This is of course not a good number, right? 2. If you have more than one high energy Tianyi numbers, it is no good. This is basic knowledge to anyone that studies Yinyang Digital Energetics. Having two or more high energy tianyi numbers means that you will likely have more than one marriage and also no wealth 3. Even if you have a good sequence of numbers and not more than one high energy tianyi numbers, this number is still not good for you because it doesn't match your Bazi. We know mobile numbers that do not match your Bazi...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: