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Your Mobile Number is NOT Important as Nobody Remembers It Anymore ,Right?

Everybody that is anybody has a mobile phone.  Everybody has at least one mobile phone number in their lives. 

Some people said that our mobile number is not important as nobody remembers it anymore. Everyone uses address book on their mobile phones to look for anybody, including their loved ones and people that they see and work with every day. So whether your mobile number is good or bad has little effect as you don't even know it, righjt?

Well, we all know that knowing something is not important. What is important is what NOT knowing will affect you.  If you think that your mobile number is not important, your mobile number will still affect you.  Imagine having a mobile number that is used by terrorists or criminals, the police will come after you, even though you don't know about it, right? 

So is it fair to assume that our mobile number is important, even though we may or may not know about its importance?  

Let's look at Yijing, the oldest Chinese classic that has inspired people for the last 5,000 years.  Yijing said that there are 8 trigrams, and there are also 8 digits that have meanings of their own. 

The digits 1, 2, 3 to 0 mean these in Yijing:
1 = Kanshui 坎水 Ridge Water
2 = Kuntu 坤土 Earth Soil
3 = Zhenmu 震木 Earthquake wood
4 = Xunmu 巽木 Obey wood
5 = Zhongyangtu 中央土 Central Soil
6 = Qianjin 乾金 Sky Metal
7 = Duijin 兑金 Exchange Metal
8 = Gentu 艮土 Cultivate Soil
9 = Lihuo 离火 Further Fire
0 = Zhongyangtu 中央土 Central soil

Based on the above, each digit represents different meanings. When we combine the digits, the results will be positive or negative.

For example, 12 is Kanshui and Kuntu, meaning ridge water destroys earth soil, so 12 is very negative. On the other hand, 13 is very positive because Ridge water is good for earth wood.

  • 18 is what most people consider as good, when here we can it is very bad or ferocious, as it is Ridge Water destroys Cultivate Soil.
From here you can see that we don't read each digit on its own but read digits in pairs. Each pair of digits will produce certain meanings, positive or negative.

The effects will be there and the longer you use your mobile number, the bigger is the effect. To know more if your mobile number is good or not, text to Andy at 93672286 for a FREE reading worth $168. Other related articles (click on the title or the url):
