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Showing posts with the label Mindfulness

The End of Power: Fastest Selling Book of 2015

Just 7 days into 2015 and this book has already emerged as the fastest selling book of 2015.  This happens after Facebook's founder Mark Zackurberg recommended this book in his own facebook's page.   Minutes into reading the first chapter of this book I find myself cannot put it down.  What The End of Power's author Moises Naim said could shock you, if you have been sleeping all these while.  But for people who are in the know, such revelations are hardly new.  Power is actually decaying. Big Banks, Governments, Media Moguls and Multi-National Conglomerates all decry the power of the much neglected 1%.  Leaders of corporate, military, religions and unions all face bigger and far more complex problems than in the past.  We must now see the world in different lens, as what Bill Clinton said after reading this book.    This is a book about power. Power is spreading, and long-established players are increasingly being challenged by newer and smaller ones.  Those who have

How to be Happy All the Time with 'Search Inside Yourself'

"Search Inside Yourself" is the most rewarding training program Google has ever created for its employees.  Now you too can share in this discovery for this Search Inside Yourself method is now available to all in the form of cheap e-books (only S$5 at Google Playstore).  Search Inside Yourself works in 3 easy steps: Attention Training Self-Knowledge and Self-Mastery Creating Useful Mental Habits Attention Training Attention training is the basis of all abilities.  You train your attention so that you can relax and yet be alert at the same time: relaxed so that your mind is calm and clear and alert so that you are alert to that attention .   Self-Knowledge and Self-Mastery Using your trained attention you can observe your thought stream and your emotions with high clarity and from a third-party objectivity.  With this you will not be attached to your own feelings, you will develop a sense of equanimity and with that you will develop self-mastery and self-

How to Be Happy and Reduce Stress by Freeing Your Mind

"The secret of happiness is freedom, freedom is freedom from stress"  A. Ferrari Norman Your mind can be your prison or your mind can be your sky.  Many people are unhappy and stressed because their mind is not free.  They are like prisoners of their own mind because they are always attached to something: their ego, thoughts, emotions and material wants.   As a coach and manager of training, I come across many people saying things like: "I can only be happy when I earn more money" "If I let myself to be happy, I'll be disappointed most of the time" "Happiness cannot be eaten, so we need to be practical and do the right things and then we can be happy" Such thinking reflects the mistaken belief that happiness is an end by itself and not a means to an end. We know that happiness is a state of mind that can be experienced right now , regardless of what state you are in.  There is nothing wrong to wanting to have nice things, to

Mindfulness for Stress Reduction

MINDFULNESS FOR STRESS Everyone is concerned about stress, for only with proper stress management, we can achieve higher levels of output. Unknown to many people, the centuries old way of mindfulness is still the one of the most effective way to stress reduction. Mindfulness is about 3 things:  Awareness, Attention and Remembering . If you are mindful, you will achieve higher levels of clarity, and with it come peace of mind and happiness. A mindful person is not mindless or careless, he is very skillful with wholesome thoughts and behaviour. With mindfulness, you will become a better person and achieve inner calamity and bliss. Whether you are working at a high level or working level, you need to get the best out of your work and life. This short but highly effective workshop gives you the necessary tools and strategies to achieve mindfulness for stress reduction. Note: PIC 60% funding is available for this course. Call 6225-1784 for details.  Find out how to make money from

The 5 Things to Change Your Mind before You Pass On

"Most of us want to change the world, but only a few of us are willing to change our own  minds!   Are you willing to change your mind?  Many people think that if you change your mind, you're fickle-minded.  Truth be told, it's okay to change your mind, just be careful that you don't lose your mind.  For when you lose your mind, you lose your life.  If you want more success in your life and career, it's time to change your mind.  The 5 things that you should change your mind: Stop following the crowd's mind .  Like now most people think that business is hard, and it's hard to achieve breakthrough.  Change your mind to Start Leading the Crowd's Minds.  Lead the market to achieve breakthroughs and you'll achieve success.  Like the Samsung Galaxy K Zoom (smartphone with 10 times optical zoom camera), you can take superb selfies without having a solid front camera.  All you need is a solid software to guide you.  In your business or work, you do

20 Ways to Use Mindfulness in Your Sales

Mindfulness is often thought of the same as meditation, when in fact it is more than that.  Perhaps it is easier to understand mindfulness from the opposite, i.e. when do we consider someone as mindless?  When he does things without thinking, or when he does things with so much 'auto-pilot' that he becomes robotic and apply the same approach to different situations.  Like many salespeople assume customers like details and would go into details without considering the client's needs.  Mindlessness can also be found in salespeople that are ill prepared and incompetent, and yet try to pretend that they know.   Simply put, mindfulness has 3 elements: you need to first take note of something, be aware of it, and remember that awareness .  So for example if I am being mindful in a sales meeting, it means that I have to take note of my client's objections, be aware that it is an objection and remember that awareness.  Note that once you have mindfulness of an experience

No Self as the Secret to Happiness at Work

Everyone spends two-thirds of their waking hours working, including commuting to work and talking and thinking about work issues even if they are off work.  It's thus paramount that people must be happy at work or life would be so miserable.   The sad truth is that happiness , like all phenomena, is impermanent. It lasts for only one moment : if the next moment doesn't have peace of mind, concentration and mindfulness, happiness will disappear.  Just talk to the man who was happily drinking and driving until an accident happen and you'll know what I'm talking about.   The happy truth is that since happiness is impermanent, it can be renewed . And it can be r enewed by anyone, at any time, at any where and everywhere .  Most of the time, renewal is costless.   All you need is to have the right thought.  The secret to happiness at work is to have renewals of happiness . Everyone has plenty of ideas how to renew happiness, like sing songs, tell a joke, pr