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Showing posts with the label WeChat

5 Reasons Why You Sould Not Use WeChat

Although people like to use WeChat because they know that it is very good for business, there are 5 reasons why you should not use WeChat: You are in for a quick sale: you want to use WeChat to quickly sell to the people inside WeChat. Because WeChat is a social media tool, if you use WeChat just to sell to your WeChat friends, your selfish motive will be known to people quickly and you will not get sales. Instead, you will get people that block you or even report you to WeChat You feel that you don't know Chinese and you think that WeChat is only for the Chinese and the only reason to use WeChat is to communicate to the Chinese. We know that WeChat has 21 languages and there are 1.1 billion people worldwide from Africa to India using WeChat You want to use what you can do in Facebook and apply them into WeChat immediately: boost posts, paid ads, message to strangers, tag people, create multiple accounts using just email, and search for groups to join to mass message to them.

The 18 Ocassions to Give Out Packets in WeChat

We all know that we give out and receive red packets during Chinese New Year, weddings and birthdays.  I n Chinese culture, red packet is very common as a form of goodwill, good luck, expression of appreciation, or just having fun.   What we may not know is that in WeChat, we receive and give out red packets EVERY DAY.   None of the WeChat red packets has to do with Chinese New Year, your birthdays and weddings.  If you too want to get new business from using the world's number 1 social media and business tool for the Chinese, you must start giving out red packets.  Here are the top 18 situations that you will be giving out red packets in WeChat: To let people know you when you just joined a Group chat.   Later when you want to add people as your friend, they will likely accept you because they see you as a giver  To rejuvenate a group chat.   As we know, group chats have a short life span of 2 to 4 weeks.  After this period, group chats either become advertising spam groups

There are no shortcuts in WeChat Friends

Many people want to get the most number of WeChat friends in the shortest time possible, for they know that the more friends you have on WeChat, the easier will be for you to do your WeChat marketing. But there is simply no shortcut in getting WeChat friends.  Typical shortcuts include: People Nearby.  Some people think that if you just go to many places and just people add from 'People Nearby' feature at the Discover page, you will get many friends.  The truth is that unless you have a pretty face as your profile photo, the chance of people accepting you is as low as 1%.  To increase your acceptance rate, you need to have an impressive profile photo and a good write-up. You also need to have quality posts on your Moments as people will take a look at your Moments to decide if you are worthy of being their friend Exchange groupchats with friends and simply add people from there.  The chance of people accepting you is very low because you are a stranger to the groupchats. Y

How Can I Use Messaging Apps to Get Business?

People often asked me, how can a messaging app like Whatsapp or WeChat be used to get business? Firstly, please understand that we are already in a mobile world where people look at messaging apps like Whatsapp and WeChat more often than emails, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  In fact, people now send files via WeChat and Whatsapp instead of emails.  Secondly, we don't just communicate with people that we know via messaging apps.  We use messaging apps to get to know people that we don't know.  This is so true when we join groupchats where most of the people we don't really know.  In WeChat, you can get to know strangers via 'People Nearby' function to know people within 1,000 meters of your location.  Thirdly, we use Whatsapp and WeChat to build our brand.  Yes, you can use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to build your brand. But using messaging apps is faster because it is more instant than these social media apps.  Through forming groupchat

Everything About WeChat Accounts

R ecently some people that were referred by my WeChat students asked me how to use their Singapore WeChat account while in China.   There are some that asked how to open another WeChat account. There was one student that wanted to open their WeChat account from another phone and asked if she can access her WeChat account from more than one phone.  Finally, a common question is why should one open another WeChat account? Let me answer them and more in this article.  1. Limit of one WeChat account As you may know, one WeChat account can have a maximum of 5,000 friends . If you are like me going to hit 5,000 friends in a few weeks time, you need to have another account opened to stand by 2. How many WeChat apps can my phone install? The answer is you can install more than one WeChat app on your phone if you are using phones like Xiami, Samsung or Huawei.  3. Can my WeChat app access 2 WeChat accounts? Yes, you can. Go to 'Me' page, select settings, and go to the bottom

5 Facebook Features that Cannot Be Done in WeChat

Regular users of Facebook find it fascinating to use WeChat.  The 5 common Facebook features are simply not available on WeChat.  Note that other than this, WeChat has at least 28 features that Facebook does not have.  The 5 FB features that cannot be done in WeChat are: 1 .  Hastag # In Facebook, you can simply hastag a topic so that this topic can be easily searched by people. But there is no such hastag on WeChat This is because WeChat uses a very powerful search engine where you can search for key words without the need for a hastag.  Go to your 'Discover' page and select 'Search'. 2. Tag people You can tag someone on in your Facebook's posts so that such posts will appear on their timeline. There is no such feature on WeChst.  As such, your 'My Posts' on WeChat is cleaner as no one can put something not posted by you on your timeline In WeChat, you can simply mention your friends by using '@' in your Moments posts and they will rece

Frustations with WeChat and What To Do About It

Almost all the people that use WeChat has one major goal: to sell to the rich people in China.  In fact, many people told me that the one and the only reason to use WeChat is to get rich by selling to the people that use nothing except WeChat: the people from China. So people learn WeChat and start to do things that they would do in Facebook and other social media: pay money to advertise.  But they soon discover that you cannot just pay to 'boost post' in WeChat.  You have to enter into an advertisement contract with the company if you want to advertise to the WeChat users in China.  But unlike Facebook where paid advertisements start from as low as 20 cents, all paid advertisements in WeChat start from US$20,000 for overseas WeChat accounts and CNY 10,000 for China WeChat accounts.    Frustrated, they next do what a business person would do: do many posts on WeChat Moments advertising their products and services.  WeChat Moments posts work like Facebook newsfeeds and i

The 13 Pitfalls of using Whatsapp Groupchats

If you are like many people in Singapore and Malaysia, you feel that Whatsapp is better and easier to use than WeChat.  Many of my customers told me that WeChat has too many features (in fact, WeChat has 1 million features) and way too powerful for the average Singaporean.  They say that why complicates things when all we want are just messaging and groupchats communication?  I too felt the same way as most people.    However, once I started to use WeChat actively in 2017, I realised that even if I were to just use groupchat and nothing else in WeChat, WeChat is 13 times better than WhatsApp.   Using WeChat groupchats (and not Whatsapp groupchats) has made my life safer, more productive and secure.   The 13 ways that WeChat Groupchats are superior to Whatsapp groupchats are: 1.  Your Phone Number is Not Revealed in WeChat When you join a WhatsApp groupchat, your phone number is known to everyone in the groupchat.  You may start receiving spam messages or even calls from people t

How to Get Lots of People to Scan your WeChat QR Code

We know that in WeChat, your QR is your first point of contact. Whether it is your personal account, Official Account, Groupchat, Mei Pian or Mini Program, you need people to contact you (or read your article or site) by scanning your QR code.   Other than face-to-face scanning, there are many other ways that you can get people to scan your QR code. Of course, you must make your QR code available easily and better still, give people a good reason to scan your QR code.  The following are the top 10 ways to get plenty of people to scan your QR code: 1. Publish QR code on your sites and social media At the very minimum, your QR code should be at the footer that shows up on every page of your site 2. Add WeChat QR to your company newsletters and email communications . Remind them that they will get some benefits when they scan your QR code 3. QR code on your product or service packaging Uniqlo, the Japanese retailer, displays its Official Account QR code at all its p