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You Don't Need to Have the Look to Lead Well

As a full-time Coach and Trainer having over 81,131 executives in 14 countries since 1996, I believe that everyone is a leader and everyone can rise to the top leadership position of any organization.  There is no requirement of background, wealth, education or connections. However, many people still don't want to be a leader because they think that being a leader is difficult and requires too many sacrifices. The top 7 misunderstandings of being a leader include: A Leader Must Be Tough.   Softness doesn't mean not effective , and sometimes being tough will alienate followers instead. You Must Be The Best.   The best may not lead because they prefer to be led. That doesn't mean that the leader is mediocre and incompetent.  A Leader Must Behave Like a Leader at All Times. This is called fake leadership because ultimately a leader is just a normal human being like anyone . A leader is not God or a representative of God. In fact if you behave weak at times you will touc

Kill Your Competitors with a Higher Price

If you are now selling base on price, do not read further. We teach people how to sell on value, not price.   Sell the sizzle, not the steak , and you can close every sale and sell ice to the Eskimos.   Even if your selling price is higher than your competitors, you will still be able to sell if you know  how to add value to the customer .  There are 21 ways to add value: Better Service - comes in many forms including delivery, convenience, internet assistance, telephone answering, administration support, longer operating hours, and customer service Better Technical Support Longer Credit Terms or Higher Credit Limit Unique packaging or limited edition versions that add value to your product or service Salesperson Serving the Customer - fast prompt response, entertainment, listening, patience, problem solving, courteous service and go extra mile service Top Management Serving the Customer - imagine if the Prime Minister of Singapore serves you, price is no longer a conc

Waking Up Your Team in 4 Steps

This is especially true if you are working in a long established organization with many senior members: you realize that there is a lack of spark in your company.  People do their work well, but there is no passion, enthusiasm and excitement.  Time passes very fast and people get along well, but they are not good friends. Laughter is not often heard, so are quarrels.  In time to come such an organization will become more of passing time than making a difference. If left unchecked, it will also decline because younger people wouldn't want to join or stay in such an life-less place.   We know that when you enjoy work, work will be easier.  Being in a good company also makes us more productive, for we are happier and less stressed.  We seem to be able to do the impossible with our infectious enthusiasm and motivation. In short, people look forward to work.  Time passes even faster.  The happy work environment gets contagious and your customers and suppliers would also feel it

How to Win More Friends and Influence with How You Say

It is not what you say but how you say that matters. Instead of saying, “Trust me”, say, “You can see from our past records that we mean what we say” Never say, “This is already very low price”, say “We prefer to focus on value. Tell me, what kind of results you want to get?” Instead of saying, “Vote for me, give me your order”, say, “Can I count on you to help me in this matter?” Never say, “You have to get this product with that machine”, say, “The best thing to do is to get this product with that machine to get more results” Instead of saying, “Price,” or “cost”, say, “Amount” or “Investment” Never argue with people, always agree with their objection and see a common point that can link to your argument. Instead of defending your product’s weakness, mention how despite of this weakness, your product has helped more people to solve their real problems. Finally, instead of saying, “I know”, say, “That’s interesting, tell me more about it”. You’ll definitely will win more friends an

Boss Discipline: The Most Avoided Topic in the Workplace

Don't wish your job is easier, wish that you were better, so said Jim Rohn, the guru.  Indeed if the manager or boss is a better person, the team will perform better.  Everyone talks about employee discipline, and everyone assumes that the boss is naturally disciplined and will do all the right things. I beg to differ.  Just look at the many cases of corruption committed by top level people in the civil service and corporate world and you'll know what I'm talking about.  So today's let's look at Boss Discipline and the 5 precepts a boss should take.  These precepts are not rules set by anyone, they are code of conduct that protect the boss from unwanted consequences like high staff turnover, poor reputation and financial losses.  The 5 precepts are:  Abstain From Harming People . Harming people includes mental harm like giving people undue stress, anger, bad temper and taking away credit from employees.   Abstain From Taking What is Not Given .  By avoiding

People Are More Capable Than What You Think

(This article was first written in April 2014. This is the original un-censored version. The edited version has been selected and published in The Straits Times on 14 March 2015 page R2 Recruit Section) People are more capable than what you think.  Whether you are dealing with your staff, customers, suppliers, contractors or children, you should adopt an open mind and do not limit people's capabilities.  Currently you may see low performance, but understand that such  performance is determined by causes and conditions set before.    Once the causes and conditions change, performance will change .  For example, Japan's economy has, since 1992, on a decline phase and till today 2015, it has not recovered to its glory days of 1980s.  This is because of the causes and conditions that Japan has, chief among them is its closed door immigration policy that limits foreign talents.  If Japan were to change its immigration policy and attract talents like Singapore or USA, its econom

Problem with Most Salespeople: Selling customers Exactly What They Want

Most salespeople are very good in solution selling.  They find out what customers want and give them exactly what they want. For example, if the customer wants to hang a picture on the wall, they will sell them a drill.  A very good drill.  That is the problem.  The customer does not want a drill. He wants a hole.   Apple did not in 2007 give us customers exactly what we want. If so, we would be using iPhones with keypads with detached batteries and external storage cards. Instead Apple challenged its customers and give them beyond what they need. Apple used the Challenger Sale Method to create limitless enjoyment for its clients, and in turn make limitless money. To find out more about how you can dominate, not compete in the market and embark on 25 sales strategies , come for this newest sales course Cracking The Sales Code... Cracking the Sales Code (new) Date: 29 April 2015 Wednesday 9 am to 5 pm Venue: 7500A Beach Road, #02-346,

Cracking the Management Code: The 5 Keys that Money Cannot Buy

For decades, businesses have been trying to discover the formula for the 'perfect' manager.  There are tons of books, blog posts and editorial articles out there, and even training courses on   how to be a better manager .  While I cannot claim to have unlocked the secret theory of management, discussions with bosses and managers since 1987 revealed the following 5 traits of a 'perfect' manager: 1. Know How to Be Tough Many managers are know to be tough to themselves, tough to their customers and sub-contractors and even tough to their families but soft on their team members. The reason is the lack of people working due to the tight labour market and the ban on foreign workers in many industries.  As a result, managers are too pleasing and let the subordinates climb over their heads.   On the other hand, there are some managers that are too tough that they become abusive, aggressive and hated by people.  Such managers end up with zero staff and hav