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Why People Never Achieve their New Year Goals?

The reason people never achieve their new year goals is due to the lack of belief in their subconscious mind.  We know that your subconscious mind is more powerful than your conscious mind, for it controls your conscious mind but you may not even be aware that it exists. Your subconscious mind does not lie, it is your mind, the deep side of your mind.  When you set the new year wish or goal that is too big and you have no means to achieve it, or you yourself do not believe that you are worthy of the goal, your subconscious mind does not believe it at all.  That's why you can never achieve such goals.  Such goals are just fantasies and include wishing to earn 10 million in a year when you are just a salaried worker earning a few thousand dollars a month.   A better way is to set a goal that your subconscious mind believes in it.  It need not be a small goal, it can be big as long as you have the means and ways to achieve it.   For example, you can...

Numbers that Married Men should not have in their Mobile Numbers

How do you have a better life with the right numbers (8 min Mobile Numer...

Andy cut wood with paper

Why is 18 Bad: Basis of Yinyang Digital Energetics

The Basis of Digital Energetics: Why is 18 Bad? Many people ask me, what is Digital Energetics? Digital energetics is the combination of numbers + Yijing. The "digital energetics" system originates from the ancient Chinese "Book of Changes" or Yijing . We know that Yijing is the foundation of all things Chinese or Sinology : medicine, literature, design, music, philosophy and language. The basic framework of Yijing is Yin and Yang , 3 Talents (Heaven, Men and Earth), Five Elements (Water, Fire, Soil, Wood and Metal), and 8 Trigrams or Bagua : Sky, Marsh, Earth, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Mountain and Kan. Bagua is divided into Innate Bagua and Modified Bagua . Our digital energetics is derived from the modified Bagua . In here, each of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9 has one of the 5 elements and also yin and yang. They are: 1 = yang water, 2 = yin soil, 3 = yang wood, 4 = yin wood, 6 = yang metal, 7 = yin metal, 8 = yang soil, 9 = yin fire The Chinese look a...

Your Questions on Mobile Number Change Answered

Your Questions on Mobile Number Change Answered Question 1: Do Mobile Number Change work? The short answer is YES they do, I know since 2018, and have seen with my own eyes that mobile number change has helped me and thousands of people get results.  But everyone's experience with numerology will be unique to them so there isn't one cookie-cutter answer. It all depends on how you want to use the new number.  We have over 209 written testimonials and many more unwritten ones if you want to know more.  Question 2: Best mobile number for luck and abundance I love luck and abundance numbers! My personal experience is that the mobile number that is matched to your Bazi is the best for luck and abundance.  Question 3: Are the mobile numbers that your master design available at the telcos?  Yep! We search high and low at different telos to find the right fit. This process takes time.  Question 4: Do you have to change your mobile number again when things change? I...

This is the one and only way to be emotionally intelligent

Know this and you will be emotionally intelligent. To me, emotional Intelligence is simply to think of others before you do anything. It's simply to put yourself in the other person's shoes. We are not asking you to wear the person's shoes. We ask you to put yourself in the other person's shoes for a short while .  We know that when you put yourself in the other person's shoes, you will not be forcing or manipulating people. You also would not be doing tricks to lure people for you know that such tricks are common and people could also apply those tricks onto you.   Putting yourself in the other person's shoes is not about influencing people or attracting people to you. It's a genuine way of thinking of the other person before you do anything.   When you do this, you will be very effective in whatever you do. People will say that you are a nice person and they will like and respect you. We know that when people like and respect you, they will believe and...

How to Be Happy For No Reason

Happy for No Reason? Have you ever noticed how some people appear to exude happiness, confidence, and optimism no matter where they go or who they associate with? These people, whether they know it or not, are tapping into the power of positivity. Numerous studies have shown that being more positive leads to: Reduced Stress and boosted well-being Stronger resilience to stressors Improved performance Stronger relationships And better mental health But it's easy to say: just be more positive... The hard part is actually learning how to tap into positive energy and becoming a positive person. And while this won’t happen overnight... You can become more positive every day through a few small changes that will add up overtime. And one simple change you make today is using crystals that help you stay bright, cheerful and upbeat throughout your day.  That simple change could be your mobile number.  You see, your mobile number, just like any language or clothing, carries energy, posit...

Elon Musk Said that You Are Rich When You Have No Money

A few years ago there was a conference in the United States on investment and finance. One of the speakers was Elon Musk and during the question and answer session, he was asked a question that had everyone laughing.  If he, the richest man in the world, could accept that his daughter marries a poor or modest man.  His answer can change something in everyone. Elon Musk - First of all, understand that  Wealth does not mean having a fat bank account. Wealth is primarily the ability to create wealth. Example: Someone who wins the lottery or gambling. Even if he wins 100 millions is not a rich man: He is a poor man with a lot of money.  That's the reason why 90% of the lottery millionaires become poor again after 5 years. You also have rich people who have no money. Example: Most entrepreneurs. THEY are already on the road to wealth even though they have no money, because they are developing their financial intelligence and that is wealth.  How are the rich and the ...

I'll Be Happy When

Do you ever find yourself saying "I’ll be happy when…" and then you achieve that goal and find that the happiness was fleeting? That's because greater happiness and wellbeing can’t be chased and this is a common trap many people fall into, myself included. Gratitude can help us to change our thinking to appreciate what we HAVE, instead of focusing on what we lack. This helps us feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve our health, deal with adversity, sleep better and build stronger relationships. And ultimately cultivate positivity and happiness  in the present  instead of consistently chasing future happiness. If you would like to try practicing gratitude, here is an easy way to start: Get a piece of paper and write down 3 things you are grateful for. It does not have to be big things. Be specific, the more specific you are the better your brain will register it, and the more you will experience the benefits It's important to write down what you...

Most People Don't Share, They Preach

Sharing is not Preaching.  Most people don't know how to share, instead of sharing they preach and this angers people. Preaching is more than sharing, it is about trying to convince, persuade or move people to your way of thinking.  Sharing is about sharing from your heart what you sincerely believe to be true AT THIS POINT OF TIME.  What Sharing is about:  What You believe to be true.   However, if you already know that what you share is not true and you still share it, that is not sharing.  That is cheating Something that you may or not may have in interest in. I own the Amethyst geode here and like to share this with you.  What you think and fee l.  It is not about sharing what you know a lot and have expert knowledge in it.  What you share may not be the truth.  Many a times people share fake news for they don't know that fake news is not true, but they believe to be true.  Even when you did not own it or intend to own it ....

How to Win Friends and Influcence with Numberes

Everyone has a number, and the number that we use the most is none other than our mobile number.   Drawing from 5,000 years of ancient Chinese Yijing and Lao Zi Dao Dejing wisdom, we can now know a person's 6 areas just from their mobile number.  The 6 areas include character.  This school of thought is called Yinyang Digital Energetics.  Come and get your life's past, present and future read on this coming seminar: Yinyang Digital Energetics Date: Every Tuesday and Saturday 2.13-4.13 pm (English) Date: Every Tuesday and Friday 7.13-9.31 pm (Mandarin) Venue: Only at Zoom The first 13 will get a FREE Life's Number Analysis worth US$127. To book, message '1' to me Andy Ng at 93672286.  Details at

Letting GO

Le Letting Go: Adapted from Einzelganger gänger Mastery of the world is achieved by letting things take their natural course. You cannot master the world by changing the natural way. Our civilization is in a state of ongoing strivings, in which control seems to be the highest virtue. Yet the more we control, the more we lose. The best way is to let go. That means not to control and let nature take its natural course. As opposed to a control-obsessed society, Daoism revolves around letting go and going with the flow. At first glance, the act of letting go may seem a form of weakness, but according to Daoism, by a correct understanding of how to universe works, we can approach life more intelligently, more efficiently and go with the flow. The power of letting go is a form of strength, it is of sophistication rather than force. Because letting things go is the key to let nature do the work. In this article, I would like to show you several ways the power of letting go. The first o...

Your Life is NOT about You

We are often told to live a life of design.  When it comes to life's realizations, we find that the world does not stop and start at your expense.   For people to care about You and what you want to do with your life, you have to care first.  Most people wake up each day think about all the things they need to do.  Very few take time to truly understand what other people value.  Before you call your staff meeting and tell your people what they need to do in this week or day, take a minute to really find out what do your people really care.  It is not that our goals and priorities are not important.  At the end of the day, the people who prioritize being the best friend, parent and partner consistently do well for themselves.   Helping people carve their own path is the best way to carve your own.  For me, it is a sign that you are ahead of the game when you realize that life is not about You.  Although personal freedom is the k...