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Increase Your Sales by 61% with 10% Effort

In the next 30 days, I want you to climb your own mountain (read here ).  In planning for sales for my own and my consulting clients’ businesses, I typically use the “ 5-Way Sales Leverage Chart ”. (The figures here refer to annualized figures, i.e. for one year) Target Market X Marketing Conversion = NO. OF PROSPECTS X Selling Conversion = NO. OF CUSTOMERS X No. of Transactions X Average Dollar Sale Price = SALES So from here that you can see there are only 3 things that you work in your sales planning – Your Prospects, Your Customers and Sales .  Notice that these are all the things above that follow the equal signs in the formula above.  They are all the result of something else in the formula , i.e., a result of something. Thus they cannot be changed.  The things that we want to plan to change are the things that are variable , i.e. things that can be changed.  From the above formula you see that there are only 5 variable thin

Training that will Leave an Impact

A training that has high value is one that leaves a deep impact on the trainee long after the training is completed. To have impact the training must hit the trainee right on the head, there must be an instant 'ah ha' exclamation and the feeling must be right.  You cannot fake an impact, but you definitely can tell a fake impact from a real one. Some trainers, in their bid to make an impact, do certain things that have the opposite effect.  Instead of leaving an impact on the trainees, they leave a bad impression on them.  The wrong things that these trainers do include making assumptions, forcing answers for questions and going all out to please them with too many jokes, games and too little content.  In my experience since training over 81,131 people in 14 countries (from 1996), there are 5 steps for the training to have an impact on the trainees: Like .  Trainees must like the trainer, that's why the trainer must greet and smile when they first encounter a trai

Interactive, Lively and Fun-filled 1-day Sales Training

One can always learn the 9 hard skills and 4 soft skills in sales in one day or more (read here for more), but how to have sales training that are fun, lively and interactive?  There must be 11 elements: Use of colourful and lively charts or slides with pictures (but not too much to distract) Playing of short funny video clips (from recent movies including "Internship", "Jobs" and "Lucy") Physical exercises like cut wood with a piece of paper Short fun games that ignite laughter (like 'shake hands game' ) Jokes and Humours stories Group discussions and presentations Role Play (lots of laugher with difficult prospect) Live demonstration like call a real prospect on the spot Question and Answer games like 'Yes Question game' and 'Question with Question' Overcoming of sales objections Compete to see who can sell the best to the trainer By Andy Ng of Asia Trainers , see one course Sales Power below: SALES POWER (1-da

How to Be Happy at Work with Karmic Management

Be Happy at work, not happy after work. If you are not happy at work, why work?  If you are happy to be unhappy at work, you will not work happily.   If work tires you out, you are not happy at work.  Happy people produces higher profits.  More happiness means higher profits.   Being happy at work has little to do with how much you are paid at work, but what attention you pay to at work.  Do you pay attention to the problems or the solutions?  Do you pay attention to working with your colleagues or teamwork with your colleagues? Remember, the law of cause and effect (or Karma) is at work and whatever you focus on grows.  You are the creator of your own happiness at work.  The fastest way to be happy at work is to focus on the positives at work.  Be grateful that you have a job, and your employer does not take 30 days credit to pay you!  Climb your own higher mountain in the next 30 days at here . Now you can be happy at work and produce happy profits if you use karma at

5 Ways to Create the Conditions for Customers for Buy

As we know, a good salesperson does not sell, he merely creates the conditions for customers to buy by themselves.  As what Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, the highest strategy is to win the war without fighting, so in sales the highest strategy is to sell without selling.  There are 5 ways to create the conditions for customers to buy: Sell then Tell .  Before you tell people anything, sell them the idea why they must listen to you.  You can do this with the phrase, "Why I am telling you all these?..." Pull then Push .  You must attract people to what you are selling and if they still don't bulge, you have to push them to make a decision.  Attract people to buy not with what you sell, but with the benefits of what they will gain and the loss they will make if they don't buy .  Pushing is not to push people to buy so that you can close the sale but to push them to achieve what they want to achieve .  People want to achieve different things, be it save money, earn

Create Your Own Future by Following The 7 Truths of Karma

Following my previous article on Karma and You, the following are the 7 truths to further our understanding.  One: Karma means act or deed Karma simply  means action or deed and not retribution or effect. The effect of action is called karmic effects or 'vipaka' as in the original Pali language.  Two: The law of karma is the law of cause and effect This law states that an action will always have an effect or we reap what we sow.  Every action that we perform in life, every word we speak, even every thought that we think, has its reaction.   Like now you are thinking of where to go for lunch tomorrow, you will create an action the next day (looking for a restaurant) and this will definitely have an effect.  Three: Karma can be strong, weak or moderate.  A strong karma (action) will produce a strong outcome.  Notice that action includes behaviour, speech and thought, and the strength of these 3 elements will influence the effect of your karma.  Like you have a s

What Makes a Customer a Lifelong Customer

As a salesperson, you must behave like a consultant so that your prospect will see value in you.  Otherwise, you are seen as a conman who just want to make the sale.  We all know about sales conversions: how to convert a prospect in to a client and convert a client into a life-long customer. However, there are 3 other Conversions a salesperson must make: 1.  They Must Convert Their Selling Price into an Investment  Price is a cost.  As such, it has a negative value that people will try to pay as little as possible to obtain.  On the other hand, an investment connotes a return.   People are willing to put in money into investment as they know there is a 'Return on Investment' or ROI. How to Convert your price into an Investment?  You must always show what they can get from using your product or service.  As long as that return over the investment gives a  double digit return , it is considered a good investment. 2. They Must Convert their Product/Service into the Dollar V

Test on How Hungry You Are

If you are not hungry for success, you will be too contented to go the extra mile. Without going the extra mile, how can you stand out? Whether one perceives a situation as an opportunity or problem depends on how hungry one is.  When faced with difficulties, do you go all the way or run away? We cannot tell or teach a person to be hungry.  We can only help them to be hungry. Being hungry is a state of mind , it has little to do with one's level of wealth and success.  In fact the rich people are more hungry for success while the poor may see success as too far to be reached in this lifetime.  Therefore we must help the poor to be successful by inspiring and motivating them to be hungry.   Only when you are hungry will you be able to see problems as opportunities , difficulties as challenges , issues as concerns and people as friends .  If you too want go get hungry and not angry, now is the time.  Invest 3.5 hours of your time next week and learn all you can about m

How I Turn From Learn Nothing to Learn Everything

There's a Zen story in which a professor visited a Japanese master to inquire about Zen. The master served tea. When the visitor's cup was full, the master kept pouring. Tea spilled out of the cup and over the table. "The cup is full!" said the professor. "No more will go in!" "Like this cup," said the master, "You are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?" If you want to understand and learn, you need to empty your cup.  So how do people empty their cup when they go for training courses?  From experience in conducting in-house trainings for over 440 companies and over 81,131 people in 14 countries since 1996, there are 7 ways to empty your cup:  (click here for list of courses) (For slides, read here ) Learn with an Open Mind . Do not hold any fixed ideas before the course.  Like the parachute, the mind is only useful when it is open.  Opening your mind also mean

Why I Promise Little

Many people ask why I am so lame in my selling.  I do not promise massive results, neither do I tell people that they will become rich when they do what I say.  Some people like to promise the sky. I prefer to promise the ground but inspire people to reach for the sky.  This is because I believe that a salesperson is not a liar, nor is he a over-promiser.  A salesperson is a service provider , and he only can service people if he can help the get what they have been promised.  So if he promise little, he may lose some sales.  To me that is okay, because maximising sales is not my goal.   Maximising customer satisfaction is my pursuit, and I only can maximize customer satisfaction if I allow my customer opportunities to have surprises on the upside. That's why I under promise. So the next time if you are looking for someone that promise a lot, don't look for me.   I promise little, but I deliver. To me this is everything.  (But I do promise you these things at here )

9 Hard Skills and 3 Soft Skills for Salespeople

If you too want your sales team to perform, not just conform, you need to inspire them to greater heights.  But first you must ensure that they possess these 9 hard skills: How to Look for New Customers without spending on expensive advertising Getting repeat business from customers Increasing the average spending of customers Converting all sales objections into buying impetus How to Sell the Impossible so as to sell ice to the Eskimos How to Present your product and service so that your product features make sense for the buyer Getting past gate keepers and reaching decision makers effortlessly Service from the heart and how to go the extra mile to serve customers Asking questions so as to elicit information from buyers and lead them to a sale On top of that, your salespeople must also possess these 3 soft skills: How to set their own sales targets and motivate themselves to work towards their own goals Persuasion, Influence and Negoti

Stop Managing and Start Coaching

Managers are trained how to manage and lead their people, and some of them are proud of the fact that they can change people.  For managers who are commissioned to hit some aggressive sales numbers, coaching is the last thing on their mind.   But we know that all change must come from inside, and a manager can never push for results or attempt to change people overnight.   Real change happens when people want to change by themselves , and the way to do this is to coach them.   In order to coach people, managers must know the following 5 important facts of coaching: Surrender Your Agenda When Coaching . Coaching is about the coachee, not the coach or the coaching program.  The coach must go into the mindset of the coachees, not his own mindset.  Although the coach may have some objectives when he coaches his coachee, he must remain flexible and realize that the most important thing is not to complete his agenda but to help to solve the coachee's problem Coaching is a Proces

The Business Coach Way to Build Your Business

As a Business Coach by passion and vocation, our goal is to help business owners achieve business success through analysis and systems implementation. What this means is that we help the self-employed build a profitable commercial enterprise that works without them. After all, systems should run a business, not the owner. The first thing we do is to access the business by working with the business owners to determine where they are, where they would like to be, and then helping them implement systems and strategies based on what we find that would be the most appropriate for that particular business’s needs (increase profitability, systems, employee training, controls, etc.). Today let's assess the business in the five key profit generating areas: 1.  Lead Generation (no. of potential customers generated); 2. Conversion Rate (success rate or ratio of customers over leads generated); 3.  Average Dollar Sale (average invoiced value or average sale value in dollar terms); 4.  Av

You and Your Karma

Mention the word 'Karma' and many would think this has to do with religion or superstition.  Some even equate karma as retribution.  Like Microsoft's CEO said 'it is bad karma for a staff to ask for a salary raise'.   The dictionary defines 'Karma' simply as 'action'.  So when we say 'bad karma', it is simply 'bad action'.  Because every action will have an effect, bad action will lead to bad outcome or effect.  Note that the effect may not be immediate, direct or even obvious .  For example, if you take in dirty food, you may get food poisoning, but it may be delayed, indirect (you get headache instead of stomach ache) or non-obvious (you may think your stomach upset is caused by water and not the food you take). Also other factors are at play, like how strong your body is.  Nevertheless, karma affects everything in life, whether you know it or not is irrelevant.  The 7 elements of karma are: Size : the bigger the action, t

Exposed: They Just Won't Buy No Matter How Hard You Sell

You work hard and give your prospects good presentations. You also go the extra mile and put customers' interest first.  Yet to your dismal you discover that no matter how hard you sell, they simply won't buy.  Why? The reason is people don't buy what you sell, no matter how good or special your goods and services are.  People don't even buy the benefits of what you sell.  People buy base on one and only reason: their reasons.  Until you can satisfy any of the following reasons, they just don't buy.  This is the biggest secret you're going to learn.   The reasons that customers buy may not be the reasons that you sell .  Know them, and you will be able to even Sell Ice to Eskimos (click here for details).  The reasons customers buy include: They buy from you because they need to diversify their supply base You offer On-time delivery or just-in-time delivery They buy to fulfil their needs (internal or external)  You sell Quality (need not be the best)