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How to Delegate Effectively

1.   Define the task, output clearly. Use this SMART criteria (specific, measurable, achievable, results wanted and timing)
2.  Delegate to a person with demonstrated competence (this is not training, you are delegating an important task, don't leave to chance)
3. Explain the task clearly, preferably in writing (this will reduce misunderstanding & mistakes)
4. Invite questions and feedback (Ask: "Can you show me how you're going to do it?")
5. Give a schedule, deadline (Always leave some buffer in case of mistakes by giving a tighter deadline)
6. Inspect what you expect (surprise audit is the best)

Remember, Delegation is not abdication, this means responsibility still lies with you and YOU are still answerable. 

· Intended outcome
· Required resources
· Completion deadline
· Benchmarks (how can you measure progress)
· Accountability
· Consequences (for not completing)

Delegation Exercise for You now: 
1. List 3 low value tasks you can delegate?
2. Describe the ideal person to delegate?
3. Describe the exact result from this person? How will you know when the job is done properly?
4. How much time will you save (In hours per week)?

5. When do you intend to delegate?

By Andy Ng, whose training program on How to Be an Effective Manager has reached to KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand and Tokyo Japan.  The next run is on 30 Dec 2014 Tue 9 am to 5 pm. Or if you prefer, there is a 2-day program How To Be a Better Manager starting on 5 Jan 2015 Monday 2 to 5.30 pm.  It is on 4 Mondays.  For details, call Idah at 6225-1784 or Ng at 8201-4347.  For course listing, click here


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